I Am Giving It Away!

Coffee that is… You guessed it, a giveaway! I hope y’all like Starbucks! 😉

I am excited to host my first giveaway here at Coffee With Sabrina! I wanted to host a giveaway that could do a couple of things:

  • Represent my new blogging home.
  • Get the attention of my old readers, while attracting new ones.
  • AND I would also like some new blogs to read.

I got together with my friends at my most frequented Starbucks to make this happen.
Our conclusion: YOU get to tell me what YOU want!

There are a few ways to win and each needs to be a separate entry.

First, answer these questions in one comment: Hot or iced? Decaf or regular? Whole bean or ground? Plain or flavored (Vanilla, cinnamon or caramel?) Describe your perfect cup of coffee.

Second, leave me your info: Blog address or Twitter handle so I can be sure I follow you too! (Even if you know I follow you, leave it anyways — it counts as an entry!) OR you can suggest one of your favorite bloggers/tweeter for me to check out!

Optional third entry: Blog or tweet about the giveaway and let me know you did so!

Easy, right?!? Entries for the giveaway close at NOON (EST) on Friday, July 8th!
I will choose the winner that night using Random.org, then over the course of the weekend I will get busy building your customized Starbucks gift box!

No entries means I get to make myself a box!! 😉

44 thoughts on “I Am Giving It Away!

  1. Sara

    Hot, regular, ground, and definitely flavored (vanilla or caramel) – if I’m making coffee at home. Coffee at Starbucks is always a nonfat mocha with sugar free raspberry, no whip cream. 🙂

  2. Lynsey

    Caramel Macchiato iced skim extra drizzle. Haven’t had one since the beginning of June and I miss it!

  3. Kris

    Hot or iced. Regular! Ground, (at home instant) vanills.  
    The last week or sr so my perfect coffee has been iced unsweetened coffee with sugarfree hazelnut syrup and skim.
    Their sf syrups are mt lifeblood!

  4. Sarah @ FatLittleLegs

    Hot or iced? Usually hot… rarely iced

    Decaf or regular? regular but because of being preggo right now 1/2 caff.

    Whole bean or ground? whole bean
    Plain or flavored (Vanilla, cinnamon or caramel?) caramel

    My drink is a sugar free caramel Americano with just a little 1/2 and 1/2

  5. Tamara

    You had me at coffee.

    #1… HOT (usually), Regular, please! whole bean is better and stays fresher longer, but ground is easier to handle until I get my grinder. Caramel.

    Via Starbucks (and they are my fave): A venti, skinny (& sugar free) caramel macchiato. But the perfect version of that…3x shot.

    #2… http://livinginaction.wordpress.com/

    #3 I will get back to you… Starbucks is calling!

  6. Michelle (Ramblings of a BookCrosser)

    Hot, regular, ground (at home), flavors if I’m in the mood. My usual (nearly daily) Starbucks order is a grande Pike Place (the regular coffee), but on days when I really need indulgence I get a grande skinny caramel macchiato. So yummy and hard to resist since there’s a Starbucks in the same building where I work.

    Cool giveaway! Thanks.

  7. Becky

    Would you believe me if I said I don’t drink coffee? Can we still be friends? I hope so!!

    So…I’ll go with hot chocolate. Yummmmmm!

  8. MB

    Good Morning! I love coffee and can drink coffee all day long and still sleep like a baby at night.

    Hot or iced?: Always HOT (I can only drink my tea hot too)
    Decaf or regular: High Test Regular
    Whole bean or ground: No preference as long as it comes out strong
    Plain or flavored: Plain (why mess with a good thing)
    Perfect cup of coffee: STRONG w/milk, 1 splenda

    Nothing better than that first cup in the morning.

  9. armageddjenn

    Such an awesome giveaway… and I LOVE the makeover! My first chance to stop by in FOREVER. 🙂

    Now then…
    Regular before 4PM, decaf after.
    Vanilla, Chocolate, Hazelnut.
    My perfect cup of coffee is always a mocha, but I rarely order them… dang calories!

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  11. ashleyanddizzle

    My perfect cup of coffee… i actually prefer a skinny vanilla latte in the largest size possible! 😉 if I’m feeling adventurous i get a skinny vanilla carmel latte. If they have SF syrup. 🙂


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