A Heartfelt Year

This time last year we were loading Alex’s car with all his things so he could embark on a new journey. This time last year he was set to begin an internship at Disney. Then our worlds shifted.

What has blossomed over the last year has been nothing short of amazing. Sure, we had a very rocky time there for a while and I wasn’t sure if we would ever be a couple again. But everything happens for a reason and I love him like crazy. It’s so incredible the way things work themselves out. It’s been a heartfelt year, for sure.

Things I never thought I would want and need are now the center of my life. I was always one of those girls who didn’t need a guy and was very content being single. That is until the summer of 2011. Who knew I could fall so deeply in love with a younger than me, red-headed, boy from work. God gave me him and for that I am so thankful.

Now, with a clear perspective of the last year, I can say that there was a plan and God knew what he was doing. In an odd way I am grateful for what we went through. One thing I know for sure is that I am ready for the future and the past taught me that. I am confident and secure knowing that we are better together. I am read to grow, explore, love, and create with him.

God Gave Me You

Thank you for loving me even when I struggle to love myself.
Thank you for always making me feel beautiful even when that isn’t what I see.
Thank you for watching all my movies and shows even though you don’t want to. 
Thank you for the countless mornings that you took me to work at 6am. 
Thank you for Disney, Tampa, Orlando, Disney again, and all our other adventures.
Thank you for always carrying my bags, and waiting selflessly while I shop. Thanks for holding my Starbucks too.
 Thank you for knowing my favorite music, my favorite food, my favorite beer, my favorite flower, and my favorite movie. Thank you for knowing all my favorites.
 Thank you for being there when I don’t feel well. Thank you for always making me laugh and smile. 
 Thank you for grocery shopping for me when I had no way to do so on my own. And thank you for being a good cook.  
Thank you for knowing all the kooky stuff I do, supporting those equally kooky ideas, and not making me feel bad or different because of it. Thank you for bringing me back to reality when I really need it.
 Thank you for listening to countless hours spent talking about my blog and blog friends. Thanks for being open to the ideas I have and being so willing to let me embark on this journey.
Thank you for all the holidays, birthdays, days off and long weekends. Thank you for Luma on Park, Cirque du Soleil, and all the flowers.
Thank you for our Disney vacation, including the one coming up, and all the money we probably didn’t/don’t need to spend.
Thank you for being proud of me and always telling me so.
Thank you for trying to help me through math class. Thank you for being supportive while I slowly peruse my college education.
Thank you for running beside me, embracing me while I cry at Mile 7, and being there with me at the finish line. Thank you for being my personal cheerleader. 
Thank you for all basketball games, baseball games (even if it’s not the Yankees), and the hockey game too.
Thank you for the concert we went too, even if it was a country concert.
Thank you for your relentless pursuit for a date, no matter how many times I turned you down. And likewise, thank you for believing in us enough to give us another chance.
Thank you for the romantic moments that happens when you spontaneously dance with me. 
Thank you for my scrapbook. It means more to me than you will ever know. 
Thank you for the bad memories, but especially for all the good ones.
Thank you for sharing my dreams and helping me make the a reality. 
Thank you for the endless support and encouragement. 
Thank you for letting me love you in my own crazy way. 
Most of all, thank you for being my best friend, my lover, and my better half. My life just wouldn’t be the same without you in it. Thank you for being the best person to come into my life. 

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