Author Archives: Sabrina Alexandra

About Sabrina Alexandra

Hi and thanks for stopping by! My name is Sabrina and I am a 29 year old living in Central Florida. Sneakers and Sass follows my daily, domesticated life of health, travel, and real life with a sprinkle of Sass!

New Blog site

If you don’t know already, please come visit me at my new blog. It is a work in progress but I am hopeful for what it can become without getting pegged into one category or idea.

Sneakers and Sass

I will eventually transfer to a .com but in the mean time that is where I call home.

Thanks y’all.

In The Last 6 Weeks


I never intended to take this much time away from the blog (and reading blogs), but it happened. Truthfully, I haven’t missed it.  Lately I’ve put a strange amount of pressure on myself to write and be someone I am not. That’s not why I created a blog.

I guess what I need to say is that I am going to be setting the blog aside for a while. I am at a point in my life where I am striving for big changes and big goals. I can’t put a date on when I might blog again, but hopefully I can come back with renewed perspective.

Don’t worry, healthy living friends, I still weigh in every Sunday morning and track with an app on my iPhone. I try to get regular workouts in, and I even gave up sugar for Lent this year. So far the no sugar is going better than regular workouts. Hey, I am a person in progress.

If you want to still follow me, the best way is on Instagram. My user name is Sabrina_Alex. I hope to see you there!

For now, be well!


Weekly Recap: Week 4

Every Sunday morning (hopefully) I will be posting a recap of the previous week (Sunday – Saturday). It will consist of all workouts from the previous week and my weigh in from that morning.

Weigh In:

1/1/2014: 222.0
Previous week: 222.0
Current: 222.2

+ .2 pounds! 

Honestly, I didn’t have the best week. I was eating crap I knew I should eat just because I thought it would make me feel better. It didn’t. Have I told you that I am an emotional eater?

I want to break free of these 220’s. Progress always makes me a little more mindful about what I am eating. Honestly, I feel like I have been stuck here for months, and the truth is that I have been. Lack of progress leaves me feeling very lackadaisical and that isn’t the right mindset for healthy living. 



1/19 – none

1/20 – none

1/21 – 30 minutes of intervals at 1 run / 2 walk. Total of 2 miles

1/22 – Arms day. Completed two full arms circuits in 30 minutes.

1/22 – 30 minutes of intervals at 1 run / 2 walk. Total 2 miles.

1/23 – 1 mile walk.

1/24 – none

I am really glad I got all these workouts in, regardless of how much I was hating them at the time. I am sure these workouts really helped me not gain more than .2 pounds this week. Thank goodness for small favors.

This upcoming week I want to be mindful of my eating again. Last night Alex and I went grocery shopping and brought home a haul of $130 total. Lots of fruits, veggies, and healthy snack options. Along with some other stuff for the boy.

Here’s to a healthy week!