Support + PriorFatPack

Last night something crazy happened. I had just got home from a busy day out and was ready to settle in for a quite evening watching the Bachelor.
I found my way to Twitter. I responded to one tweet about a 10 pound mini goal. Then quickly chimed in to support a friend planning to run his second 5k.
The next hour of my life was a whirl wind.

I was shocked at how quickly a supportive tweet between two bloggers snowballed into something so much bigger. Myself and 7 other bloggers decided to run a 5k in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. It’s tentatively planned for Memorial Day Weekend.
Lindsay, Ann, James, Kris, Elle, Liz, and Jen make up the running (or waddling) #PriorFatPack
I don’t think I could have been blessed with a better group of supporters and friends. Really, all readers, commentators, and tweeters are such a gift to me.

I want to reach out to all the lurkers or new bloggers out there. Your new best friend, biggest cheerleader, or mentor could be one blog away. Take the time to leave comments, tweets, or reach out in emails. I firmly believe that it will make all the different in your healthiness journey, and in life! If it weren’t for Jen and the PriorFatGirl platform, I wouldn’t have met some of these amazing people.

I want to make myself available to you, in whatever way you might need! I always need a new friend. The beauty of blogging is that our resources and friendship are unlimited! Leave me a comment, send me an email, or tweet me. 

And one last side note: If you want to join the #PriorFatPack and run the 5k, you are more than welcome to do so! Leave me a note and let me, or any of us know. An added bonus is that it’s my birthday weekend! We can party like rock stars, celebrate our health and victories!

14 thoughts on “Support + PriorFatPack

  1. destinationathlete

    Oh, I love it!

    That's MY Birthday weekend too – so I definitely want to join in on the action, though it might be virtually rather than in person…:( Count me in on the #PriorFatPack race!

  2. darcie

    Nice to 'meet' you – I'm friends with some of the other awesome folks in your pack…and while I'm not terribly open about my journey to weight loss…I'm also doing my own somewhat more private but just as hard all the same…
    Looking forward to following along on yours…

  3. Jon, Sara, Tyler, and Sophie

    Are you serious that others can join your group? I'd love to!

    I've never done a 5K, and I really want to (but not by myself). Getting out of my comfort zone has helped me so far on this journey, so this seems like a good thing to do. 🙂

    Thanks for offering your support!

  4. Amy

    Sabrina! I am in love with your blog because you remind me of myself! I have only read the last few entries. I fell across it while reading Linsay's most recent entry on PFG. I'm originally from the Minneapolis area but now live in Madison, WI. I actually plan on being in the Twin Cities for Memorial Day weekend and would love to join you on this adventure. My birthday is June 1! James has been following my blog for about a month now and I would love to get the chance to meet you and the rest of the pack! Keep us updated and I look forward to reading the rest of your entries!


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